Historical Expertise

And yet the Legend Lives

Scott Huler is right to take the North Carolina legislature to task for trying to legislate whether or not ocean levels are rising: NC Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal. Yet like President Obama before him, Huler reveals his own ignorance when he invokes another tired historical myth. Contrary to what Huler would like, there […]


Biography of a Map—Further Experiments in Pedagogy

Last fall while teaching a course on the history of the scientific revolution I chronicled my efforts to teach students to be curious. I tried modeling curiosity, showing them how to formulate questions, and explaining good questions (at some point in the near future I will polish off the posts that conclude that particular experiment […]

Six Maps

Here is the syllabus and links to the readings for my “History of Cartography: Six Maps” class, taught for the Wagner Free Institute of Science. After each class I will also post my notes from that class as well as anything else that came up during the discussion. If you have any questions or difficulty […]


My scholarly identity hinges on bringing my expertise to diverse and varied audiences. Consequently, you will find me offering evening, continuing education classes, public lectures, consulting with television programs, presenting at academic conferences, and even on stage with comedians. I work to make the history of science accessible and available. I am happy to bring […]