
The Lord’s arm stretched ovt

written by father of James Barrow, when reading scripture he felt a horrible burning, rat and cats would appear to him, he was confined to one stool in the house, doctors were consulted, he was brought to Roman Catholics who put crosses on his head, he denied their request to make the boy a Catholic, he was later thought to be bewitched, he would scream in the night, eventually he became dispossessed, a Hannah Crump of Warwick similarly was possessed and dispossessed


A return of prayer: or A faithful relation of some remarkable passages

a boy named Thomas Sawdie went to the town fair, he wanted money from his mother but did not get any, when he was alone a woman in all white appeared and offered him money, when he said no she disappeared and big black dog took her place, seeing this Thomas fainted and awoke with them gone, he continued to see the dog at night, eventually he received money from it for the next fair, he then fell sick and started swelling, a physician deemed him possessed and he went into fits, he would often run and take off his clothes, he often saw fires and the devil as a rat, the devil eventually left him


Pourtraict of the new wonderful blazing star

talks of the comets of 1618 and 1652, and then describes the current comet which had half moons in it, and apparently warned of altercations to come and of the invasion of the Christian world