
The witch of Endor

An account accusing Catholic rituals of being witchcraft.


Strange news from Arpington near Bexly

a woman went to see a young maid possessed by the Devil who was often in fits and visited by a doctor, a serpent-like creature came out of her neck


A Full and true relation of a comet or blazing-star, that lately appeared

the comet appeared with lightning and thunder, warning of God’s displeasure with sin, mostly just a theoretical discussion of comets and their relation to the ‘lower world,’


A Most true relation how one Margaret Simpson widow, together with Elizabeth Griffin an infant of about a year and an half old

a widow Margaret Simpson, with Elizabeth Griffin and an infant, were struck dead by lightning, apparently Margaret was making oaths and curses before she was struck, before she had gotten into an argument with someone who wanted money from her, she was known for her drinking and violent temper, the author says her punishment is warning against swearing and cursing