
News from Old Gravel-lane

a woman was attending an antipedobaptist meeting, during which her husband and her heard strange sounds, she went blind, and was then possessed by the devil, going into fits, a spirit than began to talk through her, he wouldn’t let her eat, she remains like this


The Lord’s arm stretched ovt

written by father of James Barrow, when reading scripture he felt a horrible burning, rat and cats would appear to him, he was confined to one stool in the house, doctors were consulted, he was brought to Roman Catholics who put crosses on his head, he denied their request to make the boy a Catholic, he was later thought to be bewitched, he would scream in the night, eventually he became dispossessed, a Hannah Crump of Warwick similarly was possessed and dispossessed


A declaration in answer to several lying pamphlets

Abraham Vandenbemde, Thomas Crompton, and Thomas Collet got a warrant for a Jone Peterson for bewitching to death Lady Powell, who was searched with no findings and examined pleading not guilty, but was still executed and retained her innocence till death.


The tryall and examination of Mrs. Joan Peterson

Brief summary

Joan Peterson was examined for the poisoning and bewitching of Lady Powel, for which she confessed, Giles Fender also confessed to making a blood covenant with the Devil through a Jesuit, and murdering his wife, he was given a ring that could make him disappear, the Devil appeared to him in the jail as a lawyer and gave him the means to escape, after which he was apprehended again when his covenant wore off, was hanged.

Fuller summary
This pamphlet deals primarily with the 1652 trial of Giles Fenderlin, a soldier who made a pact of protection with the devil via a Jesuit priest. The pamphlet recounts Fenderlin’s confession, beginning with a cursory mention of his murder of a woman purported to be his wife. Fenderlin, a soldier in the Low Countries (Flanders at the time of the covenant) paid a Jesuit priest 45 shillings for protection provided by the Devil. He and the two other soldiers accompanying him asked for demonstrations on a rooster and a cat, and when they were satisfied with the results, paid the priest 45 shillings. For the next five years Fenderlin was protected in battle. Bullets bounced off of him. When the covenant expired he decided to renew it for the next 14. Fenderlin wrote his name in his own blood, and the Jesuit gave Fenderlin an enchanted ring that could reveal money hoards and transport the wearer miles away from danger.

Spirits visited Fenderlin several times while he was incarcerated. The Devil himself visited Fenderlin, who took the form of a lawyer and told Fenderlin to hang himself. A fellow inmate of Fenderlin’s reported seeing a spirit who took the form of a bishop. Fenderlin renounced it, telling the spirit that it should return if it was from hell. The spirit “spit fire in his face like a flame.” Other fellow inmates reported seeing Fenderlin’s familiar, who appeared at night as a man with no arms or head. An apparition of a dog also appeared, but Fenderlin rejected its affections (“saying ‘Avoid Satan’”).

On the eve of Fenderlin’s execution, he warned some inmates “of good repute” that they might be scared by the apparitions that would haunt him that night. The inmates declared they were afraid only of God. That night they heard rustling in the straw, and Fenderlin yelled at an apparent spirit. The inmates, however, asserted that it was not a spirit but “the guilt of your own Conscience, and nothing else; for we are all rational men, and cannot discern any thing.” Fenderlin then assured them that he was in his right mind. Fenderlin was hanged in

This section of the pamphlet brings up several interesting issues that I would like to explore: the treatment of male witches in the late 17th century, the allusions to mental illness, the appearance of a specifically Jesuit Catholic priest, the possible interactions between the representation of Fenderlin’s crime and his term as a soldier in the Low Countries, and the treatment (or lack thereof) of Fenderlin’s crime against his wife.

There is what seems to be a short addendum (or preview of an upcoming pamphlet) about Joan Peterson, who was a “practitioner of physick” accused of witchcraft because a woman she had given a potion died. However, Peterson denied any wrongdoing, as the patient was 80 years old, and insisted that she did not administer any potion and only provided the woman with “comfortable and nourishing” care. The author indicates that a pamphlet directly dealing with the trial is forthcoming.


Wonderfull newes from the north

Margaret Muschamp had been falling into trances for months, seemingly fighting a creature that would change shapes into a dragon, bear, etc, they then suspected a Dorothy Svvinovv, both her and a Rogue Hutton were apprehended and examined, Hutton died in prison, and Dorothy was examined for multiple other murders and offenses, includes a transcription of Maragaret’s last vision.


The Divell in Kent

John Mowlin fell into tears and a vision appeared to him, an apparition in the form of a man began reciting scripture to him, a sick woman who had seen the same vision was dipped with others into water, an examinant testified to seeing a speaking ball of fire, was told to go to John Mowlin to have the holy spirit breathed on him


A strange and true relation of a young woman possest with the Devill

a young woman named Joyce Dovey went into fits during a public sermon, the Devil spoke through her, and when some men mentioned Papists two crosses appeared on her neck, she was forced into a fire but did not burn, the Devil eventually left her


A true and exact relation of the severall informations

Elizabeth Clarke was accused of bewitching a sick woman, she admitted to having sex with the Devil in the night, she was accused of several bewitchings, told the lame and poor Anne West that she could live better through spirits, an associated Anne Leech was responsible for the death of a child, Rebecca West daughter of Anne also confessed to knowing the devil in many shapes, including a young man, the witches would meet at the house of Clarke to send of their spirits, contains many other accusations and examinations of minor cases of witchcraft, mostly dealing with Imps and teats, both men and women, all in 1645 all of which were seemingly executed.


Signes and wonders from heaven

a woman came to a house where only a maid was present demanding beer and bacon, when the family returned the maid was trembling in silence and the beer was everywhere and the master’s pigs died, reports of 40 arraigned and 20 executed witches at the Assizes in Norfolke


A relation of the deuill Balams departure

reverends were apparently approved from royal officials to exorcize the nuns of the Ursuline Church in London, while reverend F. Surin, of the Society of Jesus, exorcized mother Prioreffe, Balam the devil appeared, the father then discussed with the devil, on his hand Joseph was written in blood, apparently a sign of Balam’s departure, St. Joseph had sent a protecting angel to Mother Prioreffe, contains observations of the story