The author was visiting a house when a Mary Walcut, the daughter of a Captain, found bite marks on her wrist, when visiting the minister Mr. P his kin Abigail Williams went into fits, refused to have the book and said she only need the Devil’s now, ran into the fire and threw flames about, while he was trying to lead prayer one evening multiple people went into violent fits, one of which, Goodwife C., was tried for being a witch, women reported seeing a yellow bird sucking on her during the sermon, she was examined and denied having Familiars, if she pinched herself under examination those afflicted felt the same, a child named Sarah G. was apprehended and examined for causing fits in those she stared at, during a public fasting Abigail Williams reported that a congregation of witches ate red bread and wine, contains other minor reports an theoretical discussion and proposals for dealing with witches.
Tag: Bird
Witchcrafts, strange and wonderfull
examination of an Anne Baker, a hand appeared to her and told her to kill her master, which she did with fire and a Crow spirit, and the examination of an Ioane Willimot who promised a spirit her soul, tried converted an Ellen Greene, discusses the trial of the Flower family, and of Margaret flower, but she wrote it