
A rehearsall both straung and true, of hainous and horrible actes

Elizabeth Stile, widow, fed her rat with blood, Mother Dutten keeps Satan as toad and feeds it with blood from her butt, in poverty, a Mother Deuell feeds her Satan-cat blood and milk, Elizabeth confessed to feeding her rat with blood, all of them including Mother Margaret and Father Rosimond would meet at night, they murdered a man, they would prick voodoo dolls and kill livestock, Stile confessed and they were all apprehended and arranged


A brief treatise containing the most strange and horrible cruelty

told from the POV of the author, who after having fits at night, saw the shadow of a black cat in his room, presumably Mother Dutton as she had also visited his brother at night, he brought her to Windesore before the Magistrates, they told him to let her go, she and her confederates then went out to haunt the author and bewitch his friends, they used their familiars to make the Mayor put him in prison for no apparent reason, eventually Elizabeth Stile, Mother Dutton, and the rest were examined, Elizabeth and the author got into a fight, the author fought them off but later saw the Devil, Elizabeth was apprehended and executed