
A strange but true narrative of the delusion of the devil

John Thurston went to a Quaker meeting, after he denied reading good books and ministerial teaching, he went into fits and fell on his bed, dreaming of his sins and Christ’s light entering him, the Quakers came and spoke to him, almost slit his own throat with a knife, then he thought to be possessed by the devil, then God gave peace to his conscience.


VVitchcraft cast out from the religious seed and Israel of God

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The Quakers dream

discusses the plague of Quakers in England, how they burn Bibles, and how members go into fits during meetings, a M. Gilpin wanted to join them, he went to meetings and later was troubled with dreams about his sins, thought he felt got enter him like a dove, saw glorious visions, went into fits, had dreams of Quakers dancing naked


The Quakers shaken

the author went to a Quaker meeting, they denied ministerial authority, after going to the meeting the author was unable to read the Bible, and became carnal, giving into the curse of the Quakers, went into fits in a meeting and dreamed of sin, due to the Devil’s instigation he thought to be conversing with God, he was forced to draw circles around his house, almost slit his own throat with a knife