Rose and Amy were arranged for bewitching several men and women, to which they pled not guilty, several witnesses were unable to testify after going into fits, Amy suckled her mistress’s baby against demands, he later broke out in fits and was taken to a doctor, a toad appeared in their house which they threw in the fire, they found Amy to be scorched the next day, Amy was found guilty, and Elizabeth Pacy, giving her testimony, was mute until she was put near Amy when she scratched her face, the daughter of Elizabeth also fell into fits, they would cry out the names of Rose and Amy, they were sent to their Aunts where the accused also arrived, throwing up pins, they sent several imps to torment them, they were found guilty, they were hanged but did not confess.
Tag: VictimChild
Includes accounts of robberies and other crimes, in addition to the trial of Iane Kent, who bewitched to death a five-year old after first bewitching her father’s swine, tried to make a business transaction with him but wouldn’t pay, after which his daughter’s body started swelling, he was advised by a doctor to boil his wife’s hair and other things, which caused the witch pain and made her swell the next day, one women found a teat on her back and holes behind her ears but she was found not guilty.
original suspicions of Elizabeth Savvyer, spinster, after the death of nurse-children and cattle, used an ‘old ridiculous custome’ of burning the thatch of her house to see if she would come, she confessed that the Devil accessed her through her tongue, they had a woman search her body and found a mark in the form of a ‘teate,’ contains interrogation of her in dialogue, was executed
The Witches of Northampton-shire
Brief summary
Theoretical discussion of witches, Mistris Belcher fell sick and cried out against Ioane Uaughn, whose daughter was Anges Browne, Belcher’s brother went to their house in anger but was unable to approach their house, when he returned home he also fell into fits, the women pled not guilty to bewitching the siblings but were executed; an Arthur Bill was accused of bewitching a mother and daughter to death along with cattle, born of witch parents also condemned in court, his mother slit her throat, he pleaded innocent but was condemned to death; a Hellen Iekenson bewitched a child to death and was executed; a Mary Barber bewitched a man to death an was also executed,
Fuller summary
This pamphlet recounts the events that led to the eventual executions of five witches in Northampton-shire on the 22 of July, 1612. The pamphlet begins with a theoretical discussion on witches and witchcraft. This discussion includes the condemnation of all those involved this “Devilish sin” and makes witchcraft seem like a practice void of any good and only associated with malice. The author, an anonymous writer, provides the definition of a witch as, “…one that worketh by the Devil, or by the same Devilish or Curious Art, either hurting or healing,revealing things secret, or foretelling things to come, which the devil hath devised to entangle,and snare men’s souls withall, unto damnation.” The author then proclaims that witches are not to be trusted.
The author first recounts the story of Agnes Browne and her daughter, Ioane Vaughan. One day, Ioane experienced an encounter with Mistris Belcher. In a fit of rage, seemingly caused by her angry nature, Mistris Belcher “strooke” Ioane, causing her to leave her company, promising revenge on Belcher. Ioane goes home to her mother, Agnes, and informs her of the events which had transpired. Moved by the devil, Agnes advised her daughter on how to proceed; with anger and destruction. Four nights later, while Mistris Belcher slept, she experienced a “gripping and gnawing in her body,” causing her to cry out in pain, immediately blaming Ioane Vaughan. Somehow, her face became disfigured by some disease. Belcher’s brother heard of his sister’s ordeal and paid her a visit. In defense of Belcher, her brother went to the house of Agnes Browne with the intention of drawing blood. After an intense series of events, Agnes and Ioane are both apprehended and indicted for their crimes. At the trial, they plead not guilty to the bewitchment of Mistris Belcher. They were subsequently found guilty and executed on July 22, 1612.
The second account is of Arthur Bill, a poor man and a son of two witches from the town of Raunds. Already with the suspicion of Arthur being a witch, people gave him a reputation of being associated with evil activities. On one particular occasion, the body of Martha Aspine was found dead, brutally bewitched and murdered. Because Arthur, and his two witch parents, was rumored to be seen floating on water, he was accused of bewitching the woman. In the trial, his father defected and became the principal witness against Arthur. His mother, in fear of being hanged, slit her own throat. He adamantly pleaded his innocence, yet he was still found guilty. The court even gave the three spirits which Arthur called upon names; Grissill, Ball, and Iacke. He asserted his innocence up until the moment he was executed.
The last two accounts of witches are much shorter than the other two. One is of Hellen Ienkenson, who was previously suspected of bewitching cattle. This time, she was accused of bewitching a child to death. She was ultimately found guilty and executed. The second short account is of Mary Barber. Mary came from extremely poor backgrounds, both lacking in education and characterized by violence and barbarism. Accused of bewitching a man to death, she was sentenced to the same fate.
Paule Gamperle was trained by grandmother, made lame those he owed debts too, murdered others, robbed churches, and burnt down houses; Anne Gamperle his wife confessed to murdering a hundred children, harmed livestock and elderly people; Simon Gamperle his son confessed to murdering thirty children and stealing from churches; Iacob the other son confessed to the same; Vllrich Sehelltibaum confessed to murdering the young and old, and robbing churches; George Smaltes confessed to similar crimes—the mother’s breasts were cut off, and they beat her sons and her with them, tortured them, and then they were all burnt
A true discourse
Brief summary:
Stubbe Peeter was known to practice magic and witchcraft as a young kid, the devil transformed him into a strong and greedy wolf, killed livestock would find women or children he lusted over, ‘ravish,’ and murder them, committed incest, he was apprehended by hunters, examined, and then confessed out of fear of torture, however he was tortured to death and his daughter and ‘Gossip’ were burnt to death.
Fuller summary:
Decorated by a storyboard illustration of the capture and execution of the infamous Stubbe Peeter and his guilty family members, this 16th century pamphlet tells the story of a “wicked sorcerer” who, in the form of a wolf, repeatedly raped and murdered members of his community for 25 years. The pamphlet beings with a footnote version of the youth of Stubbe Peeter, noting that he had exhibited a proclivity for devilish activities from the age of 12. His continuous flirtation with devilish spirits and fiends eventually led him to sell his soul to the devil and abandon salvation. For 25 years, he assumed the shape of a greedy wolf and terrorized the streets of Collin, Bedbur, and Cperdadt. Before he assumed his full evil nature, he conceived a daughter named Stubbe Beell. He turned her wicked through his seduction and abuse and eventually had a child with her, who he made his concubine. After the pamphlet details all of these developments in Stubbe Peeter’s life, it narrates how the communities terrorized by him contacted a former resident of their village living London, imploring him for help. He rallied the folks of these villages together, and they hunted him down in his wolf form. They tailed him back to his house, where he turned back into a human. They brought him in from of the magistrates and he was sentenced to a painful death along with his daughter and his concubine daughter/granddaughter conceived through incest. The pamphlet ends with a warning of the justice that will be served to those who perform equally malevolent acts.
Includes introductory poem, Elizabeth Frauncis was taught witchcraft by her grandmother Eue of Hatfyelde, she fed a white cat ‘Sathan,’ her blood at her grandmother’s command, she wanted money so the cat gave her sheep, she wanted Andrew Byles to be her husband and was commanded by the Devil to be ‘abused’ by him, when he did not marry her she had the Devil bewitch him to death, destroyed her unborn child with poison, Elizabeth gave the cat to Mother Agnes Waterhouse who also made a blood covenant, it could transform to a dog or toad, she killed livestock, Satan killed her husband for her, Ioane her daughter associated with the Devil too, they all confessed and Anges Waterhouse was executed