
The witches of Huntingdon

Elizabeth Weed saw three spirits, a young boy and two puppies which told her to renounce God and make a blood covenant with Devil, which she did, her spirits had sex with her and killed livestock for her, a poor John Winnick acquiesced to renouncing Christ in exchange for spirits helping him financially, Weed than offered a white dog to Weed and similarly converted her, contains other examinations and confessions of other witches and related incidents.


The examination, confession, triall, and execution

The devil appeared to Joan Williford in the form a dog, she sold her soul and gave him blood, pled guilty and was executed, Joan Cariden also saw the devil in the form of a black dog, and he sucked her; Jane Hott reported a hedghog coming into her room at night when she was asleep and sucking her blood, she did not pass the water sinking test and was executed with the rest of them.


The confession of Mother Lakeland

Contains theoretical description of the laws and discovery of witchcraft, then discusses the professor of religion Mother Lakeland who was constantly solicited by the devil, who did not push her to deny god but wrote the Covenants in blood in her hand and gave her three imps, with which she bewitched her husband to death along with others, for which she as burnt to death, upon her death marks of flesh in the form of a dog she had apparently given a man disappeared.


A true and exact relation of the severall informations

Elizabeth Clarke was accused of bewitching a sick woman, she admitted to having sex with the Devil in the night, she was accused of several bewitchings, told the lame and poor Anne West that she could live better through spirits, an associated Anne Leech was responsible for the death of a child, Rebecca West daughter of Anne also confessed to knowing the devil in many shapes, including a young man, the witches would meet at the house of Clarke to send of their spirits, contains many other accusations and examinations of minor cases of witchcraft, mostly dealing with Imps and teats, both men and women, all in 1645 all of which were seemingly executed.


A true relation of the araignment of thirty witches

A Rebecca West went to a meeting of witches with her mother and others, they prayed on a book and spirits came out, after she renounced Christianity the devil came to her as a dog, and then later a young man asking to marry her to which she said yes, a Mr. Long reported trying to save a witch who the devil controlled, fourteen of the thirty witches were hanged.


A true relation of the araignment of eighteene vvitches

a Mr. Lowes confessed he bewitch a ship, A Thomas Evered and his wife Mary confessed to bewitching beer, other witches who bewitched children and cattle, they found teats on many of the witches in shapes of thunderbolts and mice and snakes, 120 other suspected witches in prison, the described witches were executed


Signes and wonders from heaven

a woman came to a house where only a maid was present demanding beer and bacon, when the family returned the maid was trembling in silence and the beer was everywhere and the master’s pigs died, reports of 40 arraigned and 20 executed witches at the Assizes in Norfolke


A most certain, strange, and true discovery of a vvitch

Brief summary:
Marching soldiers spotted a woman walking on water with a plank, the soldiers decided to shoot her but she caught the bullets in her hands and chewed them, a man ran up to stab her with a sword and she died.

Fuller summary:
While part of an army marched through Newberry, a section of the soldiers left the group to forage for nuts and fruits. While doing so, one soldier climbed a tree and noticed what appeared to be a woman walking on water. The soldier called to the other soldiers, and together they went to get a better look at the woman. Upon closer inspection, they realized that the woman was in fact on a piece of wood, but she was standing on it and maneuvering it in such a way to warrant suspicion, so once she reached the shore the commanders ordered for her to be obtained. When they asked her what she was and she gave no answer, the commanders decided to have their two best marksmen shoot the woman. Bam! But she had not died. She had caught the bullets with her hands, put them in her mouth and chewed them, laughing loudly all the while. Enraged by this, one soldier stuck the muzzle of his gun right against her breast and fired, only for the bullet to bounce off of the witch and almost strike him dead. Realizing that guns were not working, a soldier with a sword tried to stab her, only to fail in killing her for a third time, resulting in more laughter from the witch and more rage from the soldiers. Finally, one calm and rational soldier exclaimed that “drawing blood from forth the veines that crosse the temples of the head” would “quell the force of Witchcraft.” Upon merely hearing this, the woman realized that she had lost her power and began to cry, roar, moan, and tear her hair out before finally speaking: “and is it come to passe, that I must dye? why then his Excellency the Early of Essex shall be fortunate and win the field.” These were her final words, as a soldier shot her underneath her ear, whereupon she died.


A magazine of scandall

the minister Lowes would go from home to home practicing barratry, often getting money from those he solicited, both were known to associate with Papists and Lowes was twice indicted, and once arraigned for witchcraft, he received a full trial for barratry


A certaine relation of the hog-faced gentlewoman

Mr. Burger’s wife, pregnant, denied an old woman suspected to be a witch who came begging at her door, she muttered something about a hoggish child as she left and was therefore suspected to be the witch responsible for this monstrous birth, people came to see her eat out of a trough, with a heavy dowry she was advertised for marriage by her parents, finally married, and the spell went away, making her beautiful