
A full and true account of the discovering, apprehending

A Sarah Griffith was long expected to be a bad woman, but the town became especially suspicious when the children started vomiting pins, experiencing fits, and seeing apparitions of cats, Mother Griffith went to buy something when the man accused her of bewitching his scales, she said she would get revenge, after his shop was in disorder and he had a strange disease, later a group of young men spotted Sarah and threw her in the water to find that she floats, she cursed on of the man’s arms and his fingers went black, and died of pain, Mother Griffith was apprehended, she pleaded innocent but was committed to Bridewel.


Great news from the west of England

William Spicer went to the house of an old woman and accused her of being a witch, infuriated she called a Justice of the Peace and he felt bad, later that night he went into mad fits, he often saw the woman in the night and would vomit up pins, a Mary Hill asking for her ring back from the woman later went into fits and similarly threw up pins, upon bringing Mary in spasms to the woman’s house they found that she floated into the air, but was pulled down by men who grabbed her feet, a Jury of Women searched her body finding teats and pricking her with a needle without eliciting any pain, she was apprehended until the next Assizes, she also floated in water.


The examination, confession, triall, and execution

The devil appeared to Joan Williford in the form a dog, she sold her soul and gave him blood, pled guilty and was executed, Joan Cariden also saw the devil in the form of a black dog, and he sucked her; Jane Hott reported a hedghog coming into her room at night when she was asleep and sucking her blood, she did not pass the water sinking test and was executed with the rest of them.


VVitches apprehended, examined and executed

widowed Mother Sutton and her daughter Mary, mother becomes Hog-keeper and was blamed for the disease and death of cows, she trained her daughter in the arts and killed men’s horses and hogs, a Master Engers hit Mary Sutton’s bastard son for goofing around, after his horses went crazy, they sent a Beetle to put his servant in a trance, Mary tried to seduce him in his bed, they bewitched to death Enger’s son after he confronted them, Master Engers apprehended her, took some of her blood, her imps sucked her teats, he beat the daughter to near death, threw her into water to see if she would drown or float and then check for her mark, she survived and then confessed so they executed them both