author saw cities arise in the moon, an eclipse in 1714, saw Mr. Halley flying an a fiery chariot, saw a comet over the Sancta Sophia
Tag: Flying
Great news from the west of England
William Spicer went to the house of an old woman and accused her of being a witch, infuriated she called a Justice of the Peace and he felt bad, later that night he went into mad fits, he often saw the woman in the night and would vomit up pins, a Mary Hill asking for her ring back from the woman later went into fits and similarly threw up pins, upon bringing Mary in spasms to the woman’s house they found that she floated into the air, but was pulled down by men who grabbed her feet, a Jury of Women searched her body finding teats and pricking her with a needle without eliciting any pain, she was apprehended until the next Assizes, she also floated in water.
Mary Foster begged for money and food from a Joseph Weedon, and when he denied her he found his sheep to be dead, she was called before a Justice of the Peace multiple times but denied, a jury of women examined her to find teats on her body that were sucked on, she admitted to being carried into the air by the devil to light his barn on fire, she confessed to the crimes but not to being a witch, wanted to be burnt but was hanged, she was asked to do a trick by a citizen of London and almost escaped on a floating bason/basin?, a highway robber confessed and was also executed, along with another woman who killed her bastard child.
John Buxford had a son named Joseph who he apprenticed to a weaver, he ran away temporarily to live as a soldier, his master changed into a black flying horses and took him away into the air, and then into the middle of the earth, he was revealed to be the Devil, saw many people being tortured in hell, he was returned to earth and found speechless and burnt
Martha Brossier was examined by many religious authorities, and reported to Parliament to be faking despite popular opinion, could not answer in Latin despite rumors, officials began to exorcise her, she put a cross in her mouth, endured pin pricking, includes original document of her possession and goes on to disprove the points made, some saw her raised into the air, she was made to only drink holy water several days by a bishop
A Most Wicked work of a wretched witch
a Richard Burt encountered a witch and later saw a black cat, lifted up into the air by a spirit, taken down into Hell, Mother Atkin’s kitchen was possessed