history prodigious weather/incidents in England
Tag: Hail
reports of thunderstorms and prodigious hail, crops were damaged and people injured
A book for the prodigious and wondrous times, a thunderstorm in Daventry in Northamptonshire killed four people working in the fields, in Gofsforth near Newcaftle there was a whale, or sea monster, spotted by many, making strange noises, some farmers in Exeter saw an approaching arming riding white horses, in the island of Ely in Cambridgeshire there was a hail and thunderstorm, killing many livestock, a man in Maldon saw a light in the sky, and then two men in the sky as well, but then heard gunshots to see two men fighting with pistols on ground, one was killed.
A great storm of lightning and hail was witnessed in Alvanley, wind crashed windows and hail bruised the citizens.
Reports of a thunder and hailstorm, the steeple of the church was struck by lightning and burnt down, this happened apparently because the town was having illegal conventicles.
Reports of rain, thunder, and lightning throughout England, killing people and livestock, a man with several horses continued to travel a road that had become a river, they were carried away into a ditch, more reports of damage and killed livestock throughout England, lightning struck several people dead.
terrible storms of thunder and hail were felt in Millain, with hailstones weighing two pounds or more, killing many cattle, breaking church steeples, crops were set on fire, after which the town felt an earthquake, destroying much of the town
on the 18th of May a prodigious hail storm fell in London, a year later many died including the Queen, the author then discusses the recent comet and warns of trouble in Scotland, in addition to infectious air, especially present in London, and plague, predicts the downfall of Rome
News of a lady whose feet have rotted off, with the disease spreading up her leg, a boat overturning, and a woman hanging herself, also of a storm of hail and lightning, killing hogs and cattle, a man and two children were struck but recovered.
a storm in northern Ireland was so severe that many people were killed, flooding and hail reported, along with dead livestock, also reports of thunder in Monterlony