history prodigious weather/incidents in England
Tag: Storm
A history prodigious weather/incidents in England.
Discusses the rise of the Turkish empire, the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1682 in relation to Mr. Holwell’s text, disagrees with him over some astrological calculations, the effects of this arrangement includes war, treason, death of royalty, gives a historical discussion of conjunctions, the comet, however, was responsible for the besieging of Vienna, it was seen in Jamaica and England, it was a Saturnine comet, foreshadows evils, war, plagues, storms, locusts, mostly in Turkey as it’s under Saturn.
the comet in 1680 signifies storms, plague, famine, death of livestock, flood, war, three suns have been seen at once, warns of cruelties from a powerful prince, the eclipse seen in February tells of disputes in religion, disease especially in great men, the death of a prince, and earthquakes
the past comet signifies coming evils, the eclipses signify disease, wrath from princes, storms, lightning, madness, disputes of religion, floods
the comet was of a Saturnine color, predictions of a lunar eclipse in February of 1682, will bring drought, storm, earthquakes
discussion of past comets, especially that which appeared after the birth of Christ, then more recent comets including the last two, which foreshadow God’s wrath, discussion of biblical wrath such as the Flood and the punishing of Egypt, and how sin like in the past is abundant today, the comets signify poverty, plagues, and storms, in addition to war, fire, and lightning
the recent comet shows of coming war and disputes over religion, famine, disease, murder, death by poisoning of great men, storms, lightning, fires
discussion of the wars and plague that recent comets foreshadowed, along with a historical discussion of comets, then focuses on the recent floods, hurricanes in 1674, and the two recent double-tailed comets in 1675, then the most current one on the 16th of April
floods were so extreme in Holland that waters rose higher than anyone alive had seen them before, many gates and dikes broke, livestock died, some islands were completely flooded over, in Antwerp there was a thunderstorm, setting fire to several towers