
The true state, vigor, and growing greatness of Christendom, under the influences of the last triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Leo

Discusses the rise of the Turkish empire, the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 1682 in relation to Mr. Holwell’s text, disagrees with him over some astrological calculations, the effects of this arrangement includes war, treason, death of royalty, gives a historical discussion of conjunctions, the comet, however, was responsible for the besieging of Vienna, it was seen in Jamaica and England, it was a Saturnine comet, foreshadows evils, war, plagues, storms, locusts, mostly in Turkey as it’s under Saturn.


A diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the…with a further account of the late terrible comet

descriptions of the recent solar eclipse and past comet, the eclipse tells of revolutions and deaths of great princes and emperors, drought, famine war, plague, the comet tells of much of the same, in addition to earthquakes


Remarkable observations on the comet, in the year

a very large comet was seen in London, the author was not able to make proper observations due to lack of equipment, but believes that this comet declares war, evil, and royal death, this comet advances the effects of the previous comet in 1680, warnings especially for Eastern Europe, foretells of destruction across Europe for nations’ respective sins


Strange and wonderful prophecies and predictions taken from the apparition of the late dreadful comet

the comet in 1680 signifies storms, plague, famine, death of livestock, flood, war, three suns have been seen at once, warns of cruelties from a powerful prince, the eclipse seen in February tells of disputes in religion, disease especially in great men, the death of a prince, and earthquakes


An Answer of a letter from a friend in the country to a friend in the city

speculations on Christ’s second coming based on numerical calculations from scripture, rumors of coming war, the recent comet is indicative of the coming apocalypse, blood falling from the sky, the most recent comet signifies Christ’s coming work, plagues and fire, and a flood the enemies of God’s people, from which they will be delivered, bad news for France and an upcoming death of a European prince


An astrological speculation of the late prodigy

the recent comet shows of coming war and disputes over religion, famine, disease, murder, death by poisoning of great men, storms, lightning, fires


King Charls his starre: or, Astrologie defined

discussion of a recent comet not seen by the author, but thought to be either Venus or Mercury, describes its position and then says that this position signifies a great man or prophet arising to elevate some nation, he supposedly will change many things in the government and the church, making all things new, this also means an eclipsing state for those who currently hold power in England, the upcoming eclipse will correspond with the ruin of popery and the rise of Protestantism, the author then reveals that the comet’s signification is of King Charles


The Mathematicall divine, shewing

discusses the comet that appeared in 1618 and has been discussed by other authors, gives astronomical descriptions of it, discusses the ramifications it had for Germany, the supposedly related death of prince, and the floods still going on there, mostly a religious discussion that diverges from the comet


Extraordinary nevves from Constantinople

news of the ruin of the Turkish Empire while the king of Hungary visits the Imperial Council, a translated letter from French to English about high winds in the city along with two comets spotted in the sky, one of which flew over the Sophia, “the Great Turke” had nightmares of lions and other beasts attack him, a wise man said the dream and the comets signifies a rebellion and a weakening of the state, the lion represents an emperor of Christians, and the comets represent this invading emperor’s power, the emperor had them burnt in cages of straw but they went miraculously unharmed


Certaine vvonderful predicitions, for seauen yeeres ensuing

Mars’ joining to the sun in 1602 signifies upcoming disease and war, the arrangement of Venus suggests fortification and adultery from women, the coming Eclipse will usher in depopulation and problematic births, eclipses of the sun to occur in 1605 will bring about grievous incidents, gives precise dates for the eclipses, suspects a large incident such as the death of a prince or king to occur, as it did with Caesar’s death