descriptions of the recent solar eclipse and past comet, the eclipse tells of revolutions and deaths of great princes and emperors, drought, famine war, plague, the comet tells of much of the same, in addition to earthquakes
Tag: Drought
the recent comet shows of raping, war, and other evils, also lightning and drought, good news for those ‘addicted to learning and science,’ there will be two lunar eclipses, one in February, it will be bad for crops
a blazing light like a star was seen in the sky, rehearses a brief history of comets and their significations, then describes the astronomical details of the comet, states that all comets bring with them drought, bareness, and pestilence because of their physical effects, this one specifically will bring war because the air is dry, which bring heat, and heat makes men angry, the position of the sun is good news for the king
didn’t appear to be a meteor but instead a moving, celestial light, it was rather large and was seen in other countries, describes its relation to the sun, moon, and other stars, gives a brief history of comets and their ramifications, then discusses recent earthquakes, drought
a comet was seen in the air, discusses recent theories of comets and then says it’s a sign from God of some great judgment, caused a drought the year later, influence of Venus also was related to the ‘advancement of women,’ in appearance, and great marriages that year,
A contemplation of mysteries
a long theoretical description of different types of weather and their explanations, including reports of comets and their historical ramifactions, examples include a comet causing drought in Lumbardie, another flying over Scotland resulting in the death of the king days after, one other in Scotland causing the death of king William, also comets causing storms, floods, and droughts