
A true relation of the grievous handling of William Sommers

William Sommers, son-in-law of Robert Cowper, bought a hat with a copper band with an old lady who demanded to have it and threatened him, when he returned home he fell sick and went into fits, which his master suspected as being faked and whipped him, which he didn’t not feel, he was made an apprentice of another master, he was sometimes cast into the fire and covered in flames but did not burn, evil spirits talked through him, he was eventually dispossessed


The replie of Iohn Darrell, to the answer of Iohn Deacon

longer, a response to the publication of John Deacon and John Walker, included along with other supplementary documents concerning Sommers/Darrell


A summarie ansvvere to al the material points in any of Master Darel

too long to summarize, but a response to the publications of John Dorrell, included here because of number of pamphlets concerning him and William Sommers


A detection of that sinnful, shamful, lying, and ridiculous discours


A true narration of the strange and greuous vexation by the Devil

over 60 pages, included here b/c importance of the trial