
Witchcrafts, strange and wonderfull

examination of an Anne Baker, a hand appeared to her and told her to kill her master, which she did with fire and a Crow spirit, and the examination of an Ioane Willimot who promised a spirit her soul, tried converted an Ellen Greene, discusses the trial of the Flower family, and of Margaret flower, but she wrote it


A briefe description of the notorious life of Iohn Lambe

Doctor Lambe used to go to houses teaching children English, first transitioned to wickedness through the profession of science and physics, after which he fell into other ‘mysteries,’ showing husbands and wives their spouses through a crystal glass, found guilty of unchristian practices and evoking evil spirits, was indicted for bewitching a Th: Lo W., pleaded not guilty, found guilty, but no judgments passed here, he was made prisoner at the Castle of Worcester, 40 men involved in the case died in the same night, he was moved to London and there arranged for the rape of a young girl, a year later he was attack by a mob and beaten to death


The boy of Bilson

a young boy was thought to be possessed, could identify his supposed bewitcher when she was in the room but could not hear verse, he was found to be mixing ink with urine to feign bewitchment, he confessed to have meet a Thomas a priest, who taught him how to pretend in order to skip school, they tried to convert him, he begged for pardon after confessing


The wonderfull discouerie of Elizabeth Savvyer

original suspicions of Elizabeth Savvyer, spinster, after the death of nurse-children and cattle, used an ‘old ridiculous custome’ of burning the thatch of her house to see if she would come, she confessed that the Devil accessed her through her tongue, they had a woman search her body and found a mark in the form of a ‘teate,’ contains interrogation of her in dialogue, was executed


The wonderful discouerie of the vvitchcrafts

Ioan, Margaret and Phillip Flower associated themselves with the Beauer Castle, the Early and the Lady began to suspect them of witchcraft, of robbery and bewitching a man into loving Phillip, the devil came to them and they agreed to give their souls to have spirits like dogs, cats, and rats at their control, they were apprehended and sent to Lincoln, during her trial Ione asked for bread and butter and died after eating it, the daughters were executed; includes trials and confessions of other men and women, and then the individual confessions of the sisters who reported having spirits sucking on them


A treatise of witchcraft VVherein sundry propositions are laid downe

mostly a theoretical discussion of witchcraft, Marie Smith became jealous of her neighbors for selling cheese better than she, cursed them, the Devil appeared to her in the shape of a black man, she cursed a sailor who struck her son, he became sick and his fingers rotted off, she bewitched several other men and women, and confessed publicly before execution


The vvonderfull discouerie of witches

100+, the trial of nineteen witches, before the Knights Sir Latham and Bromley, the execution of some


VVitches apprehended, examined and executed

widowed Mother Sutton and her daughter Mary, mother becomes Hog-keeper and was blamed for the disease and death of cows, she trained her daughter in the arts and killed men’s horses and hogs, a Master Engers hit Mary Sutton’s bastard son for goofing around, after his horses went crazy, they sent a Beetle to put his servant in a trance, Mary tried to seduce him in his bed, they bewitched to death Enger’s son after he confronted them, Master Engers apprehended her, took some of her blood, her imps sucked her teats, he beat the daughter to near death, threw her into water to see if she would drown or float and then check for her mark, she survived and then confessed so they executed them both


The Witches of Northampton-shire

Brief summary
Theoretical discussion of witches, Mistris Belcher fell sick and cried out against Ioane Uaughn, whose daughter was Anges Browne, Belcher’s brother went to their house in anger but was unable to approach their house, when he returned home he also fell into fits, the women pled not guilty to bewitching the siblings but were executed; an Arthur Bill was accused of bewitching a mother and daughter to death along with cattle, born of witch parents also condemned in court, his mother slit her throat, he pleaded innocent but was condemned to death; a Hellen Iekenson bewitched a child to death and was executed; a Mary Barber bewitched a man to death an was also executed,

Fuller summary
This pamphlet recounts the events that led to the eventual executions of five witches in Northampton-shire on the 22 of July, 1612. The pamphlet begins with a theoretical discussion on witches and witchcraft. This discussion includes the condemnation of all those involved this “Devilish sin” and makes witchcraft seem like a practice void of any good and only associated with malice. The author, an anonymous writer, provides the definition of a witch as, “…one that worketh by the Devil, or by the same Devilish or Curious Art, either hurting or healing,revealing things secret, or foretelling things to come, which the devil hath devised to entangle,and snare men’s souls withall, unto damnation.” The author then proclaims that witches are not to be trusted.
The author first recounts the story of Agnes Browne and her daughter, Ioane Vaughan. One day, Ioane experienced an encounter with Mistris Belcher. In a fit of rage, seemingly caused by her angry nature, Mistris Belcher “strooke” Ioane, causing her to leave her company, promising revenge on Belcher. Ioane goes home to her mother, Agnes, and informs her of the events which had transpired. Moved by the devil, Agnes advised her daughter on how to proceed; with anger and destruction. Four nights later, while Mistris Belcher slept, she experienced a “gripping and gnawing in her body,” causing her to cry out in pain, immediately blaming Ioane Vaughan. Somehow, her face became disfigured by some disease. Belcher’s brother heard of his sister’s ordeal and paid her a visit. In defense of Belcher, her brother went to the house of Agnes Browne with the intention of drawing blood. After an intense series of events, Agnes and Ioane are both apprehended and indicted for their crimes. At the trial, they plead not guilty to the bewitchment of Mistris Belcher. They were subsequently found guilty and executed on July 22, 1612.
The second account is of Arthur Bill, a poor man and a son of two witches from the town of Raunds. Already with the suspicion of Arthur being a witch, people gave him a reputation of being associated with evil activities. On one particular occasion, the body of Martha Aspine was found dead, brutally bewitched and murdered. Because Arthur, and his two witch parents, was rumored to be seen floating on water, he was accused of bewitching the woman. In the trial, his father defected and became the principal witness against Arthur. His mother, in fear of being hanged, slit her own throat. He adamantly pleaded his innocence, yet he was still found guilty. The court even gave the three spirits which Arthur called upon names; Grissill, Ball, and Iacke. He asserted his innocence up until the moment he was executed.
The last two accounts of witches are much shorter than the other two. One is of Hellen Ienkenson, who was previously suspected of bewitching cattle. This time, she was accused of bewitching a child to death. She was ultimately found guilty and executed. The second short account is of Mary Barber. Mary came from extremely poor backgrounds, both lacking in education and characterized by violence and barbarism. Accused of bewitching a man to death, she was sentenced to the same fate.


The most cruell and bloody murther committed by an Inkeepers wife

Brief summary
Annis and George Dell ransacked the house of Anthony James, killed him, then the woman stabbed his pregnant wife with a knife killing her, sister revealed the murder even after having her tongue cut out, Annis was apprehended and brought to the Assizes when the boy of Anthony James was found in the bottom of a pond, she became a beggar after, they were both executed in addition to Iohane Harrison and her daughter.

Fuller summary
Anthony James is introduced as a hard workingman with a relationship like “ Abraham and Sara, he loving to her, she obedient to him”.(3). Together they had one daughter, Elizabeth, and a son, Anthony.

According to the pamphlet, the children came across the house of a very rich man. He had gold and silver among other things. They bound him and he begged them to take everything in exchange for his life. They kill the wealthy man’s child, his wife, and him. Then, two men named George Dell and a man Nicholas Dracon brutally murdered the son in Hatfield, as the title suggests. Ultimately, the men were executed in the public square of execution.

The last two pages of the pamphlet specifically talk about Iohane Harrifon, who has been accused and convicted of being a witch. Essentially, the pages focus on her in Royfton. For example, it focuses on her having taken advantage of an innocent and honest man and her Witch- side came out. He escaped but was not found and the ending of the pamphlet states that he was with George Dell and other victims, thus implying that he was dead.